how I work
If you feel like you’ve reached a crossroads, where to take the next step in your life you’re going to need to shed your old skin and begin anew, I've got what you're looking for. I use a depth oriented approach to help you really get to the root of your struggle by helping you understand what your body and your unconscious have been communicating to you all these years. Where many other therapies are simply hoping to help reduce your symptoms, if you want true transformation of your identity and embodied experience then these are the approaches you are looking for. They will help you to peel back the layers of conditioning that your family and society has placed upon you and to find the unclaimed freedom and ease that has always been your birthright.
I began my training in somatic therapy techniques in 2017. Over the past seven years I have attended dozens of trainings in the modalities I think are best suited for a depth-oriented approach to psychotherapy. For the technically curious, these modalities include Ontogonic Therapy, Reichian therapies for releasing repressed emotions, Jungian dreamwork, Hypnotherapy, Neuroaffective Touch, The Tamura Method, Eidetic Psychotherapy, Family Constellation Therapy, and Art/Drama Therapy approaches, among others.
contact the body
The clues you need to unravel yourself are already available to you. But modern life has trained most of us to be deaf to these signals. Our work will help you regain this capacity and see directly into your unconscious experience. This will enable you to identify the root of your issue and understand how your past experiences placed you in your unique predicament. In this way, the path to releasing your conditioning will be illuminated.
rewrite the program
By exploring your embodied experience, you will rediscover past experiences that shaped you in profound ways. Like a growing bonsai tree that was tied with strings, many experiences will have prevented you from developing in the way that would have been most natural. This shows up in your body as areas of significant tension and in your mind as an internalized demand for you to live in a particular way. In our work I will guide you to reprogram these core experiences, reliving them with the wisdom and maturity you have today. In this way, you will naturally begin to notice your life is transforming, without unnecessary force and self judgement.
integrate your self
Over time you will discover parts of yourself that for one reason or another, at some younger age, you decided were not acceptable, and that you had to reject, deny and repress. This can result from our family's values, or the restrictions of the broader cultural environment. These rejected parts don't simply disappear, however, and remain as fragmented parts, banished into our unconscious. To achieve genuine self acceptance and self love requires us both to integrate these banished parts and to enable them to work harmoniously with our conscious ego. Ultimately, we may hope to integrate these various parts into the expanded field of our transpersonal Self.