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Meet Evan Power, AMFT

Somatically oriented psychotherapy at the Center for Mindful Psychotherapy

It’s my mission to act as a catalyst for transformation in the lives of those I work with. In this case, you! Ever since I can remember, people have always come to me to share their stories and ask for advice, and it's always been a process I've found both rewarding and inspiring.


I'm a deeply curious person who loves learning, traveling, composing music, tromping through nature, and meditating. I've spent somewhere in the ballpark of a year of my life in meditative retreat, having practiced in the Buddhist traditions since I was a teenager. I also enjoy practicing qigong and exploring the world's shamanic traditions.


I completed a bachelor's in Biochemistry at Bates College.  At the time I was passionate about the mysteries of DNA and spent a few years doing neuroscientific research.  Later, as a wide eyed idealist who thought they could change the world with solar energy, I completed  an MBA at Yale University.  After working in that industry for some time, I realized that a collective transformation of our inner worlds is required if we hope to change the outer one. This led me to pursue a 3 year training in Body-Mind Therapy with Carlos de León in Vancouver and to get a second masters in Somatic Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.


I've always had a deep sense that there is more to life than what the world is handing us today.  In my teens and twenties it's what led me to read around 30,000 pages of eastern philosophy, to live in India for a year studying with various teachers, and to spend so much time in retreat.  Along the way, however, I realized that these traditions don't have adequate tools to help us to heal our traumatic wounding and the contracted sense of identity that comes with it.  In myself, I saw how body-oriented psychotherapy freed me from fear and enabled me to have a deeper connection with both myself and others. I'd like to help you have that same experience, to reclaim your self and to live the life you dream of.  I hope you'll join me.  If you'd like to explore working together, book a free 30 minute consultation here.  I work 100% online with anyone throughout the state of California.

             - Evan

reclaim your Self

psychotherapy for your body, mind and spirit

Meet Evan
Why Naturopathy

Why "Somatic" Psychotherapy?

Somatic therapy is bringing the body into the therapy room and stems from the recognition that the mind and body are connected.


True release

Through somatic psychotherapy, long held emotions can finally be released, at a level that would not be possible through talk therapy alone.

The body knows better

The emotions and associated memories that the body is constantly offering us are a better guide to why we are hurting then the stories our mind has made up to rationalize our experience.

Thoughts are not enough

Your struggle is not simply a matter of thinking the wrong thoughts, to truly heal you must transform your nervous system, which requires working with the body.


Re-awaken the senses

You know that foggy feeling like you're drifting through your days, only experiencing a fraction of what's actually happening? That's dissociation, and it robs us of the joy of life.  Through somatic psychotherapy we can re-establish the vibrancy of the senses that we knew as young children. 


Somatic therapy helps your body and your mind make peace, and learn to agree about how to live life.

Learning how to relax

Stress and anxiety are physiological reactions.  By working with the body you can gain greater control over what states you wish to enter and exit.


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